What is reality?

D: Rajneesh spoke about this. Once, Chuang Tzu woke up from his sleep in the daytime and he got very worried. His friends asked him what happened. He said, ‘I just woke up from a dream. In the dream I dreamt that I was a butterfly flitting around some flowers. When I woke up I realized that if I could dream that I was a butterfly – and the dream seemed so real that I had forgotten that I was Chuang Tzu… the entire world around me looked real, I flitting around looked real. Now I’ve woken up – I’m Chuang Tzu, I’m not the butterfly. But when I was dreaming, I was the butterfly. Now I can see that I wasn’t, I’m me. I dream every day but today I realized that if I’m dreaming that I’m a butterfly, what if somebody else is dreaming that he is Chuang Tzu? Am I living in somebody else’s dream right now?
It’s a very significant point. Chuang Tzu did not realize it at that moment. He was not an enlightened person. He was a philosopher. He didn’t have an answer. He just asked a question. Philosophers ask questions.

Rajneesh gave the answer to this. If Chuang Tzu is dreaming that he’s a butterfly and he woke up to start thinking that what if I am in somebody else’s dream and that somebody else is dreaming that he has become Chuang Tzu in this dream. And this entire world and all my friends are there and we’re all doing this and this whole thing is a dream happening in somebody else’s mind? So what is real? Me in the dream as a butterfly or Chuang Tzu who was dreaming the dream? Or the guy who may be dreaming about Chuang Tzu and so on and so forth – it can carry on infinitely. Rajneesh said – in the end, there is one that that is real and that is the dreamer. The dreamer is not unreal.

This whole thing is a dream. But when you ask what is the purpose of seeing it like this, in 3D, this so-called reality. There is no such thing. This is so-called reality, not reality.

Because when you are awake now… now try and understand this. This is very important but we miss seeing this, we can’t see this. I’m explaining the impressions part now because it will make sense in this context.
So right now, when my eyes are looking outwards and I’m seeing this… and I spoke about this impression being registered in this body-brain system in the registration area and according to your structure, you are ‘seeing’ that. It is colouring your vision. I also told you earlier, which cannot be proved by you right now because you’re not at that level, so there’s no point talking about it some more. But, since I’ve said so many things in the past seven years which you did not realize at that time or even understand at that time. But now, not only have you understood some things but you’ve also realized, in truth, all those things in your system. In truth. Meaning, whatever your truth is in that moment.
Just because you did not understand it some years ago, does not mean it was incorrect. Similarly, whatever I’m saying now, maybe a hundred years later you will realize it in truth. But it does not mean that this is incorrect again. Correct?
So when you say this is correct, it’s only through your colouring, your filtration, that you are able to cognize it as real or unreal. The cognition is happening through your own registration process. You see this and you cognize this as real.
At the same time, there are so many atoms around. The walls are in a state of flux, the fan is in a state of flux. The moving fan is not in a state of motion as we see it. The sofa you are sitting on right now – just as the atoms in your body – it is also made up of atoms and they are also moving and you are also moving.

Everything around you is in a state of flux. Ever-changing, ever-moving. But you see everything at a standstill. Everything as static.

And as I earlier gave you the example of a dog whistle which you can’t hear because your senses do not have the apparatus to cognize it at that moment… so some things you can’t cognize because the registration apparatus is not there. But does it mean that it is not real?

Conversely, just because you can understand it… now understand this… does it mean it’s real? For a bat that cannot see, does this entire thing exist? The way the shape of this chair or sofa is… he can only have sound waves coming to it.  For him it’s a different universe, right?

So when we say reality, it is only reality as registered by our senses.

U: So why can’t I see these atoms?
D: Because the apparatus in you is not there. But you know today, in the 20th century. But not for the past 66 odd million years that we’ve been in this planet. Only in the past 100 years have you been able to know, through a microscope, that what I see as a stationary static thing actually has a lot of atoms moving in it. Now what is real? Now that you’ve seen the reality of this atom thing. Up till now you did even not know of anything called an atom. But the rishis of India who’ve seen reality – not this, this is not reality – they know there is no such thing as this.
So for the bat, is this real or no? His perception is not this. What his perception is you cannot see. So for you that is not real, for him this is not real. Correct? And similarly, up till 100 years ago, you didn’t know of a thing called atoms. But now you know. You can’t see it, but you know through an apparatus called a microscope. An instrument needs to be specialized so that you can see it.

So, if we too can specialize, doesn’t it stand to reason, with some more specialization, we will be able to see the atoms with our own eyes? Well, the eyes cannot see that but you can sense it. You can definitely sense. Like what I was telling you – why go to Delhi to see the CWG (Commonwealth Games)? You can see the CWG right over here because… what is happening with the bat? He sends out a wave signal, that wave hits something, comes back, sends the registration centre a message that this is there. Now, we call it a chair because of our being together as human beings, we developed something like a chair, we named it a chair, and we know the shape is for us to sit upon. For a bat it’s something… he’s not saying it’s a chair. For a bat or animal, they see things as… when a mosquito is hovering around you, it can see a living, pulsating thing which is emanating some heat. By your heat it will come to you and it will go sit at a soft spot. How is it able to sense? Its antennae tell it there is heat being emitted, that means there’s a human being. Now there’s no logic happening here. It’s all instinctive.

Every organism apart from human beings, operates from the instinctive centre. We operate from the instinctive centre also, because the entire body-brain system functions automatically. You are not required to do anything. It’s not like 1pm, okay stomach, starting digesting food. Liver, do this, pancreas do this, spleen do this. If it was all left to you, you would not be able to do it for even one minute. It’s a hugely complex operation, right? And it’s happening 24 hours a day. Correct?

Is it becoming too much? Do you understand? That the registration is happening through the senses. Therefore, we do not see reality, we see only that that we can register. Otherwise, we could see everything, beyond the walls, hidden in the walls. Beyond the wall, there is a staircase.
U: And there are spirits as well, right?
D: And there are spirits. Why can’t we see so much? There is so much happening.

This is nothing. This is just the physical part. But we can’t see even the physical part properly. It stands to reason that our registration and the apparatus, the IESM mechanism over here where intellectual, emotional, sex and movement centres register something… and this is a little more complex…

The first time we see something, are we able to register, are we able to understand what it is? For the very first time? Not now, as a child, as a human being who’s born now. For the very first time. Today, we know the touch of our mother. Instinctively, when our mother gives us her nipple to suck upon, we suck upon it. How do we know to do that? Nobody trained us to do that. We’ve just been born but how does the mouth know that it has to do this?

Ok. How do we know that we’re hungry for the first time? Why do we start crying? We feel some discomfort, right? So all this is working at the instinctive centre.

This means that… what is instinctive centre now? Let us understand this. This has not been spoken about. When we react out of fear to something, when suddenly in the dark there’s some sound. It’s fear. We say, ‘Oh, I was instinctively afraid.’ Or we’ll say, ‘With my instinct I knew I did not want to go there.’ Or ‘These south Bombay people look like arrogant people.’

Instinct means something that has been developed repeatedly over thousands or millions and millions of years, and it becomes instinctive. Now it doesn’t require conscious operation. It’s given in the system. By whom? We won’t go there now. But it’s now there in the system.
U: And they develop out of self-preservation, right?
D: Oh, that is only some things. The way they operate now in the body has been created in this manner.
U: No, but a baby sucking a mother’s nipple…
D: Yes, that has been created in this manner. It’s in the code.
Now, when I see something for the first time, registration happens. For me to recognize it as a chair or a tree, that is the physical part. But you see, I don’t get scared looking at the tree. But in darkness I get scared. For the first time, in this life also, the first time you saw a tree, you were not afraid of it. But the first time you saw a dog, you were afraid of it. What is this? Why is it? The first time you see water, it doesn’t create feelings of fear or joy. Water does not evoke a feeling in you. Why?

Naturally, when a child sees something crawling, it gets scared. It sees a dog, it steps back. Water does not evoke a feeling. The child will want to hold the water, grope at it. Some kids even try and grab a dog. They don’t get scared. Some do get scared. If they see a tree, they will go try and hold that too. But after some time, when they see a tree, they don’t get scared.

So that feeling of recognition – it’s not a feeling of fear, it’s a feeling of recognition, there is some feeling of affinity like say we look at the sky in wonder. But a loud noise will make us jerk. So there are some things kept in our system, right? Loud noises will always make you jump. Correct? No matter what your age. The darkness will always make you uneasy, no matter what your age. The water, the tree, the sky, the water, the mountains doesn’t make you uneasy. Why?

That means it’s already there in our memory. We already know of it. We know the fear. Now, the first time there is a loud noise, you feel fear and say it is instinctive. But it must be there already somewhere in our system, right? How do we know that, oh loud noise, I’m supposed to be scared. We don’t talk that way. We just jump. When this impression of a loud noise is registered, there is a memory pattern of fear already present. Loud noise = memory pattern of fear. It matches and we have a reaction of a jump. Or something that is fear-based. This memory pattern is stored forever and ever. Forever and ever, okay? It is indestructible. Nobody can destroy it except for the one who created the memory pattern. God.

This memory pattern is stored in something called the deep memory pool in our brain. Brain, not mind. There is also something called shallow memory pool where I remember the memory of this life, from conception onwards. When I was being formed in my mother’s womb. So my memory from there onwards is stored in the shallow memory pool. The memory of all lives is stored in deep memory pool. All life, meaning since the time we were conceived for the first time in the Svaha universe… starting from then up to now, all these memories are still stored in this brain.

So, coming back to the original thread of impressions being registered, memory pattern rushes out to meet that impression, they meet together, forms recognition and reaction. This reaction is of the movement centre at intensity of 2. The impression registration is of IES – intellectual 2, emotional 4 and sexual 8 – meets the memory pattern with the same intensity – IES is at 2, 4 and 8, and movement happens of 2.

This is what we call life. This is life. Not what you are seeing right now, but what you are registering inside with your memory. In that memory, the deep memory pool is your sanskar, your structure. Your entire U journey from whatever zillions of years is your structure. So you react like this and I react like this. The movement you will have is of this kind, the movement I will have is of this kind. We are in the same situation in life.

Now, if you can develop the super-specialized ability to see the atoms over here in this wall, that means you can see beyond the wall, right? Then you will know who is passing by. I don’t know who’s there, but you can see who’s there. So if someone says, oh some robbers have come, you’ll be able to say, oh not to worry, it’s just your neighbour who’s come. Correct?

So… now this is becoming a little bit more complex… It’s good I’m telling you all this today because it’s connected to everything else…

Now, something a little more complex and that is time. (pause)
So our original thread was what?
U: What is the purpose of seeing all of this…
D: And we spoke about Chuang Tzu’s dream. And we wanted to understand that could it be that somebody, one person, is dreaming all of this and this could be his dream. All of this that we are living.

Now suppose… see, we have no real base to travel backwards from. Suppose if you have lost something, you will recreate the event that you were into to remember where did you lose that thing. Oh, I went there, then I did this and that. Correct? But you lost your inner peace. You’re looking for something, correct? None of us know what we are looking for. But we all know we are looking for something definitely. Or, if it is not registered like this, it is registered as ‘Something is missing.’ I have everything, still something is missing.

So something is missing, meaning something is lost. Something which was originally there. If it was originally there, it got lost and so you get this feeling.

If I lose my keys, I recreate the events leading to that event, wondering – When did I lose it? So if we have lost something, is it not the right thing to do – to recreate all events leading up to that possible moment in time when I lost that thing so that I will know, ‘Oh yeah, that’s where I lost it.’

U: But that’s only if I know what the thing is.

D: Correct. You don’t know. But your feeling is there of missing something. So, suppose if you… you know in your normal life, you will take your purse, your whatever and leave through the door. But one day, if you haven’t taken your purse, or your handkerchief or your glasses, you will go walking up to some distance and think, ‘Something’s not right. What is missing? What is it? Oh! I forgot my glasses.’

Correct? But you didn’t immediately realize what is missing. You had to think first. For which you had to actually look at what you have and then you realized, oh, this is not there. This is shallow memory, correct?

Same example if you apply to the thing that is missing… ok, so I have this, I have this, I have this… and you also ask other people, ‘Have you taken it as well? Yes, I’ve taken my soul within me today. Oh, what about emotions? Yeah, the emotions are also there. Is there body there? Yes, that too. Thoughts? Yes, thoughts too. So then what’s missing? But there was something else with us too, right? So everybody collectively will say, ‘Hmm yeah, there was something else. But we can’t remember.’ So you’ll try to use logic. ‘How does this work? How does this get powered?’ and someone will say, ‘Oh yes! The power generator. There should be a power generator.’

‘So then where is the power generator? I can’t find it. It’s logical right? Otherwise how are you moving?’

So somebody will say, ‘See I think about a million years ago there was a generator that disappeared in its physical form. I think, although I can’t really remember, that the generator couldn’t be seen with the eyes. That might be visible in the atomic form.’

Another will say, ‘No it’s not even in the atomic form. Because then where did the atom come from? The generator powers the atom also. So that means the atom cannot be the generator. So something behind the atom. So then, what is it?’

So this way, you’ll cut off this, cut off this, cut off this, then what remains? I had said it in that article. Did you read it or not?

U: I don’t remember… The real self?

D: The real self.

U: I think you had talked about why after death, we don’t feel anything.

D: No, no, no. I said, if you cut off your skin, and go below one layer – you see muscle. I’m not talking about the dermis, epidermis and all that. Muscle, remove that and you see bone. Then, you’ll see tissues… and to the last point you see atoms. If you break the atom, you’ll see protons, electrons, neutrons. And inside that you’ll see the nucleus and you’ll divide that too. And right now, the instruments that you have are not capable of registering what is there, but if you use a little bit of logic you will come to the last point which is that thing. If you come to that last thing, even that thing can be divided. Like you discovered the atom a hundred years ago, and you thought it was indivisible. But you went on to discover, oh there’s more stuff in it. And then you found oh there’s more stuff within that too. You can’t see ahead. But it stands to logic, that just like a hundred years ago, I thought this was indivisible, then something else came in, then something else. And I realized I have to develop finer systems to register that. Right now I don’t have that fine system. Because this keeps getting finer and finer and finer. Subtler, subtler, subtler. But if I use my mind a little bit… the damn thing has to stop somewhere! It cannot go on infinitely. Because, the simple logic is – who’s powering it? Somebody has to power it, somebody whose power cannot be supplied by something behind it.

So that guy, that thing, that source has to be indivisible. Somewhere it has to stop and be indivisible. Correct? So, if it is indivisible, it cannot possess a characteristic… anything that possesses a peculiarity, a trait, a characteristic, obviously that trait has to belong to somebody. If it belongs to somebody. Do you understand this part? Sure?

U: Yeah, it has to be expressed in some form.

D: If it is expressed, and that expression is what you are seeing… the atom is an expression, the human being is an expression. That’s the right word actually. So if the human being, the expression, has been dissected to the atom and the atom is also an expression. Then you see the human being is made up of these atoms, neutrons, electrons whatever.. and this expression is called the human being, and 15 billion such expressions constitute one so-called static human being – so-called because it’s constantly in flux, correct? So, that last thing we’ve come to is also an expression of something else. Somewhere the damn thing has to stop so that there is no expression. If there is an expression, again we’ll go on dividing.

U: But now the nucleus can be divided right? And that is nuclear energy. So what is that?

D: Again an expression, no? That is what we’re coming to. So somewhere it has to stop. Somewhere it cannot have any expression. Everything has an expression of itself. But it fundamentally cannot be an expression. If it is an expression, again it will be divisible. So, it means… U, pay attention and you are, but be a little more into it.

U: No, I don’t know why it’s just sounding familiar. I’m wondering whether you’ve told me this before…

D: I may have. The Who Am I thing I’ve told you before. And earlier also, I’ve told you all this. Everything is an expression of that It. It cannot have an expression of its meaning. Yes, it will have an expression which is a human being, the atom, the mountains, all of that. But It cannot have an expression. Otherwise it will be divisible. Correct? We have to come to, in the end, something which is indivisible.

So that indivisible thing – let’s say, we call it The Indivisible, we don’t use the word God. And all of these are expressions of that Indivisible. But the Indivisible does not have any expression of its own. Yet, all of these are expressions of this guy, correct?

So if everything is an expression, then It can be called Nothingness. It cannot have an expression, a peculiarity, a trait, a characteristic. It cannot be anything. So, what is the opposite of anything? Nothing. So we use the term Nothing.

We can call it the Indivisible, the Nothingness, we can call it Emptiness, we can call it the Ultimate. We can call it the Absolute. Everything else is relative, right? So we can call it the absolute Absolute. After this, there is nothing. Correct?

This absolute Absolute or this The Indivisible… (pause) To register this, we have no sense. We can’t even register an atom, forget the Absolute.

But now, with just this logical thing we are using. We have no knowledge of where we have come from, where do we have to go. But we felt something is missing, something is not there. We are trying to work out… we’re a group of people saying, ‘Oh that generator was there but before the Bhu universe, it was in another form. Now I think we have to look for something else.’ But everybody collectively agreed something is missing. Now what is that missing thing? That we’ve forgotten. So we’re doing a group discussion and we’ve come to this point where we say, ‘Oh the Indivisible is what we are missing. Then what do we do now? How do we go back to the Indivisible or how do we go back to being Indivisible. Because if we become the Indivisible, then how can the Indivisible feel the Indivisible missing in life? And every expression will always feel that it is missing something.

You understand? How can the Absolute feel that the Absolute is not there?

U: And the fact that we are expressions means that we have access to that…

D: Obviously. The fact that we are expressions, and all of us are expressions – the bat, the chair, the human etc etc – everybody is an expression and every one of those things has a direct access to the Indivisible. At any point in time, you can go pfftt! Back to being the Indivisible. Because you are the expression of the same.

And, now you understand when I say, in you and in me, there is no same thing, it is just ONE thing. So, if U is Indivisible, the same logic applies to this D’s Indivisible. And what about the space in between? The same Indivisible. So is it your soul and my soul? Or is it just one continuous Indivisible in the wall, in the chair etc etc… the entire universe, everything is Indivisible, no?

This is logic we have used. We have not used any spiritual idea, any mystical faith, any religious stupid thing. We’ve used none of that. We’ve used simple logic, taken a worldly example – the fact that sometimes when we go out, we feel like we’ve missed something. Our entire lives pass us by with this missing feeling. But if we just use a little bit of our intelligence… what is that missing thing? And that is missing in you, missing in me and in the space between us also something is missing.

So we are just one expression. And you rightly said that if we are expressions, then it obviously means that we have access to the source itself. Because if we are an expression of that source, then how can we not have access? And that access – is it that we have access or that we are the Indivisible itself? Just expressed in a different manner. Anything outside the Indivisible cannot have access to the Indivisible, cannot be its expression.

That means there are two things now. The Indivisible and nothing else. Suppose if we are outside the Indivisible, then we are not the Indivisible. Obviously, right? That means there’s the Indivisible and there is something else. But that is logically not correct. It is going to go against all logic. Correct? So that means there are no twos, there’s only one.

That also means that there is no expression. Yes, to call it an expression is the right thing. But we are the Indivisible in various expressions. Not that there is an Absolute and we are the expressions. That means there are two things. No. It is the Absolute expressing, to itself again. Because then again that means there will be two things. There has to be only one thing, logically, correct? That means we are the absolute and at any given point, we can go back to being the Absolute. And not even ‘go back to’ because we are the damn thing.

So, when we are missing something, what is actually happening then?

When we went out the door… the imagery of the absent-minded professor who puts his glasses on his head and then goes out and wonders where they are. It’s the same thing in us. We are that thing which we are missing but we have forgotten. Nothing else has happened. The expression has forgotten that it is the Absolute.

So what are we doing now? What is the word I use? Self-remembering. Nothing else has to be done. Centre of the chest or inside the nostril.

Now, why the breath? See, this expression and all of the expressions around it have one thing linking it all together, which is actually two things – one is hidden, one is seen. Seen meaning – we don’t see air, but we sense it coming into our nostrils, going into our system and we have examined now through X-ray vision and microscopes that the air which is going within us is actually powering our system by going into our lungs. We couldn’t see the lungs some thousands of years earlier. And we have come to know it is giving us oxygen. And letting out carbon dioxide. And something called combustion is happening inside and gases are being released. And we need those gases every moment for us to function.

Now these outside expressions and me, another expression – the linkage of these is breath. Correct? What is outside is coming in, right? And then it’s going out again. And it’s running continuously.

U: But a sofa doesn’t breathe.

D: Oh that’s what you think right now. It doesn’t breathe air.

U: But if you put a sofa in a room with vacuum, it’s not like it’s going to disintegrate.

D: In fact it will not disintegrate.

U: But then, if it requires air then…

D: No, not air. It doesn’t require air.

U: Then?

D: Okay. Does everything require oxygen to grow? For wood which is being burned, is oxygen good for it or bad for it?

U: Good.

D: It’s being burnt.

U: No, it’s bad for it. (laughs) It’s good for the fire, yeah.

D: (laughs) But is it good for the wood? It’s good for the fire, not the wood. For the wood, it’s a very bad thing. So when we say, oh all life requires oxygen, ask the wood.

Okay, the tree needs carbon dioxide. The process of photosynthesis where the tree absorbs the sun’s energy… in it oxygen and carbon dioxide play an equal role. Is it good or bad now, this carbon dioxide? You can’t call it good or bad or anything. It’s vital – O2 is also good, Co2 is also good. In you also it’s the same thing – both O2 and Co2 are equally working inside you. So you cannot say this is good and that is bad. Everything is an expression.

Now the sofa does not need air. But what is a sofa? It’s atoms sustaining on themselves. That is where the structure of this thing is. The wall – sustaining itself. Decay is always happening. To you, to the sofa, to the wall. Everything is decaying all the time. So what happens with energy is that when it takes a form that form is not permanent. So this body will decay and one day it will stop functioning. But can the absolute decay? Can the absolute be acted upon by some force? It is everything, what other force can act upon it? But it is acting upon every force. And within all its expressions, these expressions are acting upon each other. The sofa is acting upon you right now by you sitting on it, you can feel it. Air, this atmosphere is acting upon you right now. Do you realize this every moment? No. But the sun with its rays coming in is acting upon this atmosphere. It’s powering the earth. The earth has its own power yet the sun is powering everything over here. Light is required. Without light, everything would die. Correct? This is a fact?

Psychologically, the Sun and Jupiter are powering the Earth. Psychological radiation comes in from Jupiter, and physical light and heat which is the characteristic of light and other things psychologically are coming from the Sun. The Sun powers the earth not just physically with light but heat also – when you rub something, it generates heat. With this rubbing, energy is generated. So heat is the characteristic of energy. This energy is powering up the entire earth – the entire soil, all the trees, all the birds, all the organisms, minerals, things within the ocean, everything is being powered up. If there was darkness all the time, this would all wither and die.

The Sun is 8 minutes away from the Earth at the speed of light. See, we spoke about the Absolute first, we spoke about the Absolute being Indivisible, and nothing else can exist beyond it. Correct? It began from what is missing within us and logically, it went to the Absolute. Then we also understood that nothing can exist beyond it, apart from it rather. We also saw now how these things decay and act upon one another. But we began that by saying breath comes into us.

Breath is going into these two nostrils. At the same time, here (pointing to the bottom of the groin area) there are two other nostrils – swadhistana and muladhara – in the astral body. They take in prana. The entire universe is acting upon us right now, sending in 30,000 impulses per second. We take in one breath by our physical nostrils and we take in one breath from the other two nostrils, that is astral breath.

When the sun’s rays fall on us, we know because we feel the heat. At the same time, when it’s night, there’s no sun. But the entire physical, astral and mental universe is acting upon us every moment. That is how we feel and think and move. By all these impulses coming in at the rate of 30,000 per second. That powers up the entire system. All of these processes – respiration, digestion, the nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system – everything that is going on, all of it, it needs power, no?

U: So why do you use the word ‘impulse’?

D: A ray of light if you see it properly is an impulse. What did you think I meant?

U: I thought you meant the other kind of impulse.

D: No, not that. Energy impulses. 30,000 of these come in the entire body per second. (There was a break-up of the 30,000 impulses but I was not able to decipher it in the recording)

So one impulse becomes a thought. So one impulse per… you can’t call it a second because it’s so fast, okay? But if you take a second as a unit of time. So one impulse, second impulse… that means one thought, second thought, third thought.

Now, it is obviously one thought, then another thought, then another thought, right? So this, this, this is a linear moment? This linear moment if you see – 1, 2, 3, 4… it goes on continuously. It comes in and goes out, comes in and goes out. It’s going on continuously. So if one follows another, what do we call it? We experience a sensation of time.  This happened, then this happened, then this happened… that means, now something happened, now something happened, now something happened. You get the sensation of time.

Time is subjective. If the earth had to disappear, the sun had to disappear. I explained to you the other day – time cannot be objective. So when your registration area disappears or you disintegrate your registration area, time will disappear for you. There is no such thing as time. It is subjective.

U: So when thoughts are not registered, there is no time.

D: There is no time.

U: So where do the thoughts go?

D: I showed you in the diagram. See, there are impulses coming in, 30,000 per second. Now if I take these impulses and get the upkeep of my body done, but don’t let a single thought enter the registration area… okay, now you work a little bit and you tell me. So I just explained to you, that time will end. Then what will happen? Everything will become what? (pause) Okay, what is time? We understood that the constant ‘this happened, then this happened, then this happened’ is what we understand as time. And there is a gap between each thought. Correct? There has to be. Otherwise it would be all a continuous thing. But it’s not. It’s coming one after the other. So there is a gap between one thought and the next thought. That gap we call what? Space.

That movement of one thought after the other is called time. Something moved. What did it move in? Space. That movement in space is called time. There is space, there is time.

But we saw this is happening only because of our registration area. If we had to stop the damn thing, stop the thought from entering the registration area, would we experience time and space? No. Because it is being registered and therefore being cognized as time and space. If it is not registered then it will not be time and space. Then what will be there?

U: There will be no movement.

D: There will be no movement. Everything will become still. We can call it the now. The opposite of time – everything will become now, it will all become one. There will be no movement. So everything will become stillness because there is no time and there is no space. See, you said stillness because there will be no time, but also, will there be space?

U: Yes…

D: But space is in relation to movement. It doesn’t exist by itself. Only because two things moved one after the other, because we experienced a gap in between, that gap is what we call space. So if the movement didn’t happen, would there be space?

U: No.

D: It won’t exist. So time and space go together…
U: Can we put it in this context of what happened to me that day when I wasn’t looking at the time and I walked all the way for over an hour and I didn’t get tired. Is it that?

D: Correct, it is that. But you have to go deeper than that. But you registered a little bit of that. The brain was still working – you were registering other things. But this is the surface level glimpse of what we are talking about.